Aimes and scope
The online journal, Volunteering Review provides a forum for ideas and information, original theoretical and methodological articles, practical case studies and book reviews on the state and development of volunteering in Hungary. The journal welcomes contributions from variety of disciplines, including sociology, psychology, economics, management, marketing, communication, politics and law.
The journal aims to contribute to the development of volunteering and improve its standard of professionalism in Hungary. In addition, the aim of the journal is to inspire researchers from various disciplines to carry out research on volunteering, as well as practitioners, to share their experiences, methodological innovations and good practices with the community of professionals and the general public.
It is the long-term goal of Volunteering Review to make the journal a Central and Eastern European forum of professionals working on theoretical and methodological issues of volunteering, and a reference point for related scientific results.
The Volunteering Review is an online, open access, double-blind, peer-reviewed scientific and professional journal.
It is published four times a year in Hungarian.