Volume 1. Issue 2. 2021.
Editorial Preface
Theoretical papers in the Volunteering Review Volume 1, Issue 2 is an extremely actual topics: the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on volunteering. Theoretical studies present the results of two studies conducted during the epidemic. COVID-19 posed a number of challenges and problems for organizations employing volunteers, and we therefore publish five case studies in which they can read about innovative solutions. The special feature of the methodological study is that it explores the role and behavior of mentors using the method of network analysis. The topic of the review section is online volunteering, which, as the epidemic period has shown, has become an increasingly common form of volunteering.

The committed, the disappointed, those who gained experienced and those who have tried - An analysis of the volunteering of Hungarian medical and health scinece students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Anna Mária Bartal - Hajnalka Fényes - Nóra Szalóczy
Local governments and volunteers in the Lake Balaton Resort Area during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
Károly Fekete - Gábor Dombi - Miklós Oláh
"Our results suggest that volunteering during the Covid-19 pandemic provided the medical and health science students surveyed with a number of positive experiences and reinforcements that could bolster their future professional engagement. Even though they were not adequately prepared for the problematic relationship between patients and staff as well as the external stresses and trauma."
"The engagement of volunteers and civil organisations was particularly strong in the settlements on the shoreline and the Balaton Uplands, where tourism plays a decisive role. In addition, it can be assumed that the non-profit scene has contributed to the moderate lapse of the first wave of pandemic in the entire region."

Replanning - rapid and flexible responses of the SchoolHospital Foundation during the COVID-19 pandemic
Monika Tóth Almásy
"The aim of the case study is to show the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the operation of the organization and on the activities of volunteers. We will present the challenges the organization had to face and the responses that were given to them."
What the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us? - Experiences of the Nevetnikék Fundation
Éva Kapitány Légrádi - Glória Kőműves
"Then we reported about what we had to rethink after the lockdown since we could neither continue the personal hospital visiting program nor the fairy tale wall painting project."
Crisis management for transition - Volunteer Program of the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress
Szilvia Perényi - Mariann Kalencsik
"The Congress Volunteer Program was then faced with a major challenge. A contingency plan had to be developed to keep together the nearly 2000 volunteer communities that had already pre-registered and to prevent mass cancellations."
How do you do? - A pilot programme during a COVID-19 pandemic
Réka Nagy
"In the "How do you do?" initiative a total of 98 volunteers helped 110 elderly people to relieve the feelings of isolation caused by the pandemic."
Organizing volunteers under the coronavirus pandemic - Experiences of the Józsefváros Office of Community Participation
Kata Balázs-Piri - Dóra Hegyi - Ádám Horváth - Tessza Udvarhelyi - Jo Urban
"In our article we summarize the experiences we have gathered as staff members and volunteers of the Office of Community Participation at the municipality of the 8th district of Budapest under the coronavirus pandemic while organizing volunteers to support local residents in need of help."
Professionalization of festival volunteering from the perspective of a social network research - Case study
Eliza Bodor-Eranus - Ákos Bocskor - Zsuzsanna Szvetelszky - Károly Takács - Eszter Vit - Flóra Samu - Júlia Galántai - Judit Pétervári
"The mentoring position, representing the middle level of the organization, is a unique learning opportunity for young people applying for the voluntary programme."