About the Journal
The Volunteering Review is an online, open access, double-blind, peer-reviewed scientific and professional journal.
It is published four times a year in Hungarian.
In the sense of interdisciplinarity, the journal welcomes original theoretical and methodological articles, practical case studies and book reviews. The journal publishes contributions about volunteering from a variety of disciplines, including sociology, psychology, economics, management, marketing, communication, politics and law
Manuscripts should be submitted after registration using the website of the journal, on the devoted page, "Submit Manuscript".
The Volunteering Review only publishes previously unpublished manuscripts. All manuscript submitted for publication are subject to an initial screening by the Editorial Board. Manuscripts that meet the aims and scope of the journal are reviewed by members of the Editorial Board and undergo an anonymised refereeing by two referees. The condition for publishing the manuscript is two positive reviewer opinions.
Published studies are given DOI ID
Publisher: Alapítvány a Magyar Önkéntesség Fejlesztéséért /Fundation for Development of Hungaroan Volunteering
Editors: Kmetty Zoltán (curator) Bartal Anna Mária (editor-in-chief)
Adress: szerkesztoseg@onkentesszemle.hu,