Volume 3. Issue 3. 2023.
Editorial Preface
The third issue of the third edition of the Volunteer Review focuses on cultural nonprofit organisations and volunteering practices among them. Based on literature analysis and statistics, the first theoretical study provides a comprehensive picture of the situation of Hungarian cultural nonprofit organisations and the characteristics of volunteering in the last ten years. The study is interesting in that it presents for the first time statistical data on the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on cultural NPOs and volunteering. Although it is indirectly related to the second theoretical study, it provides important information on the volunteering of young people, which may provide useful information for nonprofit organisatons that employ young volunteers to develop their recruitment strategies. The practical-methodological case studies in this issue are very rich. In the volunteer case studies of two cultural nonprofit organisations, we can trace the challenges and solutions they describe in employing volunteers to achieve their objectives. The third case study gives an insight into the volunteer coordination of the first Hungarian cultural festival over the last seven years. Library volunteering is an important field of volunteering linked to cultural institutions. Therefore, based on a brief review of the international literature, we present the evolution, characteristics and challenges of library volunteering in the 21st century. As a case study, the experiences of the volunteer practice of the Szabó Ervin Library of Budapest are presented. Our review column provides an insight into the characteristics of episodic volunteers in the cultural field, based on the results of an international research.

Charactersitics of Hungarian nonprofit organisations and thier volunteers in the context of literature and statistical analysis (2010-2021)
Ildikó Laki - István Sebestény - Anna Mária Bartal
Paid and voluntary employment of Hungarian youth in the light of cultural, financial and social capital
Hajnalka Fényes - Márta Mohácsi
"By analysing the literature and statistical data, we have been able to demonstrate in detail that cultural nonprofit organisations represent the "most civil" sub-sector, due to their historical background, organisational structure, active volunteer groups, community functions, and social role in transmitting culture."
"In accordance with our hypothesis, one's own culture-consumption increases the chance of undertaking both types of work, to a small extent. Our further results show that paid employment was more common among rural residents and voluntary employment was more common among urban residents."

From "Local Value" to regional value – a cultural nonprofit organisation at lake Balaton: twenty-five years of operation and results in volunteer coordination
Ágnes Antal – Éva Dóri – Tünde Szalai
"The main purpose of the case study is to present the achievements of the association in the realisation of cultural festivals and programmes, as well as professional work, which have been achieved is a result of the work of its member and affiliated volunteers."
Volunteer coordination and volunteers (2017–2023) in Valley of Arts Festival
Tünde Tóth
"It reviews the emergence and evolution of volunteer recruitment since the 2010s, while also taking stock of recruitment, selection, training, and actual volunteer coordination during the festival."
Volunteers in library – A case study based on the experiences of the Szabó Ervin Library Budapest
Katalin Kiss-Haszon
"The aim of this case study is to provide a detailed description of the variety of volunteering activities at the Szabó Ervin Library of Budapest, the characteristics of library volunteering."
Summer cultural and lifestyle camps for children – case study on the volunteering practice and experiencees of the "Mag-ház" - community space
Éva Monostori
"The purpose of the case study is, on the one hand, to analyse the challenges and constraints of how the organisation has moved from involving member volunteers and students doing School Community Service to involving bonding 'family' volunteers as a 'pilot' programme in 2022. "
A brief international perspective on library volunteering
Dóra Frisch
"What is the effective library volunteer management that meets both the challenges of the present and the motivations of volunteers, while preserving the 'traditional' service and community function of libraries."