Volume 2. Issue 4. 2022.
Editorial Preface
The first two theoretical papers in the fourth issue of Volunteer Review, Volume 2, deal with one of the most important crises of our time, the aid to refugees of the Russian-Ukrainian war. On the one hand, we present the volunteering activities of young people in Transcarpathia, and on the other hand, we present the methodology and results of a needs assessment one of the most important charitable organisations assisting refugees. The third theoretical study deals with a very interesting and under-researched topic in this country, parental involvement as volunteering, through a systematic review of the international literature on this topic. The case studies of two organisations working in the field of environmental protection in their home country are presented. The first case study describes a university, institutional, sustainability and savings programme and its volunteering activities, while the second case study describes the multifaceted programmes of a green organisation that has been operating for fourteen years and its volunteer-management work. In the series of methodological case studies, we will look at the volunteering activities of a newly established church-based methodological centre and its volunteer coordinator. One of the reviews presents international research findings on a specific group of volunteers, the one-time volunteers, while the second review focuses on the role of volunteering in the elderly as a first step towards social and community inclusion, based on a Finnish example.

Volunteer activity of the Transcarpathian youth during the 2022 Russian- Ukrainian war
Katalin Pallay - Valéria Markos - Hajnalka Fényes
Results of medium-term needs assessment of Ukrainian refugees with support from the Hungarian Interchurch Aid Organization
Anna Mária Bartal
"The most important result of our research is that, young volunteers from Transcarpathia are characterized by strong solidarity for the Ukrainian refugees despite the social tension arising as a result of the war."
Volunteering as a form parental involvement in school - Presentation of the results of systematic literature review
Zsófia Kocsis - Valéria Markos - Elek Fazekas - Gabriella Pusztai
"Our research draws attention to the importance of the topic, and it can be concluded that the number of studies related to the involvement of families with a more favorable socio-cultural background in the literature is limited, and this research area is considered unexplored, especially on the secondary school level."
"Our study and our results are novel because Hungarian social and applied sciences have so far failed to address the activities of humanitarian aid organisations, and the methodology of humanitarian aid have hardly been examined in meaningful studies."

Volunteering for the enviroment - ELTE "Together for an Enviromentally Conscious Approach", institutional sustainability and savings programme
Viktória Mudra
"The programme focuses on sustainability and resource preservation, and its main operational areas are institutional waste management, university biodiversity, environmental awareness raising, and environmental policy making."
Volunteering and role of volunteer coordinator work at the Baptist Church Social Methodological Centre
Emőke Kereskedő
"We train our volunteers to work both in and outside of the institution. In addition to recruiting, training, and employing volunteers, the volunteer coordinator's job is to strengthen the existing dialogue and collaboration between Baptist volunteers, congregations, and service institutions."
How does a green NGO become "Your partner in the transition to greening"?
Annamária Domonyik - Krisztina Csobay László - Erika Német
"This is accomplished through the six major programmes detailed in the case study. These programmes are implemented and developed by the organisation's expanding staff and its growing volunteer base, despite changing circumstances."