Volume 1. Issue 3. 2021.
Editorial Preface
The third issue of the first year of the Volunteering Review has two highlights that are addressed in theoretical and practical case studies: the role of intergenerational learning in volunteering and inclusive volunteering. Both topics are a novelty, a little-explored field in the theory and practice of Hungarian volunteering. The methodological case studies present, on the one hand, the methodology and practice of mentoring programs and, on the other hand, promising, novel recruitment strategies and their application. The topic of the review section presents the role of informal learning in volunteering.

Intergenerational learning in the service of volunteering
Laszló Varga
On inclusive volunteering - A brief overview
Ildikó Laki
"Intergenerational learning is not a new concept in our lives, as all ages have been learning together and from each other for a long time. This pedagogical paradigm refers to the acquisition of knowledge and skills between generations for the benefit of each other as well as of society."
"The objectives of this paper are first to analyse the different interpretations of the term inclusion in particular European countries, and second, to examine the value of linking inclusivity with volunteering (as the probably most widely accepted concept of social activity)."
People with intellectual disabilities for inclusive communities - Experiences of inclusive volunteering
Csilla Cserti-Szauer - Borbála Bányai - Anikó Sándor
"Our study is also experimental in terms of research methodology as we intended to map whether focus group research is an adequate research methodological tool for people with intellectual disabilities."

The older generation as a helper, in the lives of single-parent families
Kriszta Hajas
"The idea of the "Be Our Grandma" program was based on an effort to make it easier for the groups of seniors and single parents to find each other. In practice, however, it has turned out that it was much more difficult for pensioners with free energies to help and work together with single-parent families."
You can be a volunteer! - The destigmatization of volunteering
Gabriela Czakó - Diana Szüts
"With this inclusive attitude expanding the horizons we can destigmatize the image of marginalized groups (cultural minorities, people with disabilities, etc.) and even the volunteering as well."
The "Konnekt carreer path" - methodology and impact of a mentor program
Katalin Harsanyi
"The study demonstrates this path from application to organizer position. In addition, I will cover the methodology of the Mentoring Program and present the main motivational factors of the association."
Innovative recruitment methods:The practice of the OKTONDI Programme
Janka Sára Molnár - Ágnes Kazai
"This study focuses on the key questions of creating and implementing a strategy - to recruit, select and retain volunteers - through several practical examples"